An unexplainable cataclysm occurred: I went home along my quiet street, But coming insolently towards me was capitalism, It’s beast-like face hidden under the mask of a "Zhiguli" I will not go along underground crossings, The screech of brakes is as enjoyable to as a three-rubel novel, Why did perish and freeze in ’17, So that a private property owners could mock me in "Zhigulis" But he’s not my friend and not a relative, He’s my sworn enemy, The bespectacled private property owners In their green, grey, and white "Zhigulis" Well alright, I arrived at an old strategy, I left the underground, so let them swear at my truancy. Tonight I sliced three tires, And feeling better, I fell asleep without a pill. To break down a door I bought a sledge hammer, The electric drill, try it, the roof is sawed through, I will not let them defame our Soviet city, Where they brew a beer called "Zhiguli"! But he’s not my friend and not a relative, He’s my sworn enemy, The bespectacled private property owners In their green, grey, and white "Zhigulis" Nothing will happen to me for my sins, I fought for my rights at the psychiatric hospital I’d have liked to stand them all against a wall And drive a dump truck over them. My comrade in arms got a jack, Yesterday we carried an engine block to the store. I won’t allow a capitalistic "Fiat" To mascarade under the name "Zhiguli". But he’s not my friend and not a relative, He’s my sworn enemy, The bespectacled private property owners In their green, grey, and white "Zhigulis"                                 But soon I’ll make my own automobile. I’ve all the parts, just have to take them from their owner. I’ll polish it up and break it in, Under the windows of the hotel "Metropol". No, it’s not firing right, evidently some part isn’t in place, I didn’t get enough sleep, didn’t eat enough, I drank only tea... There! Now I’ll drive, I’ll drive on over to register at the GAI (police), Ah devil, a "Moskvich" just splashed me, the scoundrel!        
© Peter Struwwel. Translation, ?