Why everything not so? Seems everything like always Also sky again blue. That same forest, that same air And that same water. Only he did not return from battle.         He was silent out of place, and not in tact sang along. He always spoke about other. He me sleep not let. He with sunrise got up. And yesterday did not return from battle. That empty now - not about that conversation. Suddenly noticed I - we were two. For me as if wind blew out campfire, When he did not return from battle. Today, broke away, as if from captivity sprihg, By mistake call him I: - Friend, give to smoke! - And in reply - quiet: He yesterday did not return from battle. Our dead us not abandon in misfortune Our fallen - like sentinels. Reflected sky in forest, like in water, And trees stand blue. Us and space in dugout was enough completely, Us and time flowed for both. All now one. Only seems to me, it is I did not returned from battle.
© Artemy Troitsky. Translation, ?