Sometimes in grief, Sometimes in laugh
...As all of us in life. The choice - of us, and it is hard.
I take the only one. The wooden robe.
People, people...
We will be offered long time not have the damned bad luck.
They say: "You haven’t live yet,
You need just only start.
And offer:
vernissages and voyages...
horses, beaches, carriages.
Full hold steamboats, parties.
Or - the wooden robe. - Death.
They will be cheerful or glum,
play evil jokes or kind the judges,
But, for us they offer wooden coffins - robes.
People, people...
They kindly offer more for us. "Have a smoke!" With their false smile:
Ah, sorry, you did not smoke such a long time...
Oh, sorry, you didn’t start to live, yet,
And, than their: "Either - or"...
The smoke calls up the dreams.
Just one inhale and happier thoughts.
To smoke, smoke - the only wish...
But our choice is - The wooden robes. - The Death.
They will be kind, polite
and offer happy life, on plate.
But we refuse: " No". And they beat us hard. To Death.