Throw to dogs some meat rags -
May be the dogs will start fighting.
Give to the drunkards kvass kegs -
Probably that’ll be delighting.
Not to allow craws
Fattening - install scarecrows.
And for to love to lovers, -
Give them secluded bowers.
Throw the seeds to the ground -
Probably shoots will appear.
Well, I won’t be steel around:
Grant for my freedom appeal!
Meat to the dogs was given -
They didn’t kick up a racket;
Vodka is given, - even
Drunkards refused to take it.
People are scaring of craws -
Carrion-craws ignore it.
Couples are urged on to arouse -
How to part they are worried.
Grounds were properly watered -
No results from the seeded.
Given the freedom I wanted, -
Why did I think it was needed?