I’ve passed half a world through the violent battles, I was crawling and creeping with my batallion. Then was carried backwards by the hospital echelon. That was the compensation, the fighting reward. They’ve carried me to threshold - I see it this moment - On the lorry to my native house, but there I was struck dumb with sudden and wicked astonishment, While seeing the smoke, puffing in the wrong way. Windows seemed scared looking in my eyes; As well as mistress, unpleased with the soldier. She did not lean to my strong breast in crying, But waved her hands, and returned to the house. And the dogs started to bark on the chains then. I stepped inside to the porch so deep, Stumpled against something alien there, Jerked out door - and became week in knees. There was sitting at table at my only place The new host with inamiable grinning, Dressed in the phuphaika, under the hostess’s grace. That’s why dogs barked at me at beginning. That’s the reason, when I under fire Was in haste, no time being joyous, He that moment moved all the things in my house, And reweighed everything to his own. We were under the influence of God of the War, We were under the artillery batter. But the deathly stab was plunged straight into backbone, And in heart as the treason kept staying. I have crooked me in waist, With the force of my will, And have said him: "Oh comrade, excuse me. I was wrong to come to This unknown for me such a thresold." "Let it be love and peace in the house, Let it be bread and concent between you" He didn’ t move even his ear for that, As it was just the right state. And I staggered on floor. Didn’t slammed by the door. As it was earlirer. Only windows opened, when I’ve gone outdoors, And glanced at me guiltily.
© Lyudmila Purgina. Translation, 2010