I low popular is the Hindoo culture?
Ixt’s say, Shiva - has many arms, canines.
I also know the actor - Raj Kapoor,
And the caste of yogis, the strangest of all castes.
They say, that long ago a yogi could
Go on for a year without eating any food.
But right now they are setting records:
Eat and drink the whole year through.
I know that they have many secrets.
I wish I could talk to a yogi in private.
Well, even a poison doesn’t affect a yogi -
He has immunity for every poison there is.
He doesn’t breathe under water-one,
Doesn’t object what you say to him-two.
If he feels that all of a sudden the old man
Says "stop!" and at the same moment - he’s dead.
And what about us? We aren’t worse than others,
We also know how to drink a lot.
And numerous yogis roam around,
Only it’s difficult to spot them in a crowd.
Indeed a yogi does many things:
Not long ago one lay down.
Three days have already passed. Shame!
He just sleeps and doesn’t give a damn.
I once asked an intoxicated yogi,
He ate razors and nails like sausage:
"Oh, listen, pal, tell me all your secrets,
I’ll carry a secret along to my grave."
So I received a simple answer,
But we have quarreled with him then.
I could tell you everything about it,
But he ordered me to keep quiet.