Gentle Truth was walking in beautiful clothes with grace, Dressed up for the orphans, invalids, blissful, deprived. Rough looking Lie lured this Truth to her place, Say, why don’t you stay with me overnight! And gullible Truth calmly fell asleep under the Lie’s spell, Drooling with pleasure and smile, having a dream. Rough looking Lie pulled the blanket from Truth to itself, Stared at the Truth and was quite pleased with her whim. And got up, and made a face to her bulldog like, - What so special about her, woman like woman?! There is no difference, whatsoever between Truth and Lie, If, of course, to undress each of them. Spun out cleverly golden ribbons from the braid And grab her clothes, with her eye sizing them on, Took the money, the watch and documents by the way, Spat on the floor, swore dirty and gone. Only towards morning the Truth find out the Lie got away with the loot While looking properly at herself, she was surprised, - Someone already procured somewhere black soot, Smeared it on pure Truth, as if nothing happened otherwise. When the stones were thrown at her, Truth was laughing at them all: - It’s all a Lie, and Lie is wearing my clothes!.. Two blissful invalids compiled a protocol1 And called her using obscene words. They call her bitch and even worse than bitch They let out a junkyard dog on her, and smeared her with clay Make sure there is no whiff of her, send her to 101 km2 out of reach Within 24 hours expel her and drive her away That protocol was concluded with insulting tirade (By the way, the Truth was accused of crimes she didn’t commit): Some scum calling herself the Truth, they say, Well, and itself, drunk, naked and sleeping on the street. Pure Truth was swearing to God, she vowed and wept, She was sick for a while, wandered, in need of money. And filthy Lie stole a horse of purebred And on its long and skinny legs, she drove away. However, it’s easy to get along with a deliberate Lie, - The Truth was pricking in the eye, the people have toil with it, Truth is wandered now, incorruptible, leaving the roads aside, Avoiding people, because of her nudity. Some oddball for Truth till now fights, - The truth is, in his speeches Truth is worth a broken penny: The pure Truth in time will prevail, If she will do the same, as obvious lie. Often, while pour for each brother 170 grams, You don’t even know where you’ll spend the night. You may loose your clothes, it’s a pure truth, my men! Lo and behold, and wearing your pants is cunning Lie. Lo and behold, and looking at your watch is insidious Lie. Lo and behold, and riding your horse is insidious Lie.
1 Protocol - process-verbal.
2 101 km - distance from main cities undesirables suppose to keep (live) during Soviet Union times.
© Anatoli Trojanowski. Translation, 2019