Oh, where was I last night? I shall not find the place.
Just remember the walls were so colorful
And remember Mimmy and her girlfriend - embrace
And my kisses with them: sweet and powerful.
In the morning I woke
People started to tell
At the hostess - I’d cursed
Tried to frighten all guests
That was galloping nude
That was singing mad song
And my father I said
City Boss - very strong!
Also tore off red shirt, tried to drum on my chest
Crying all had betrayed me so cheap and for good
Not allowing the guests to take even a breath
Singing loudly songs so insulting and rude.
In a while stopped to drink
For the reason - was tired
Started crushing what saw:
Crystal vases and lamps
Splashed French wine on the walls
And white china tea set
Opened window to throw -
Threw it down, they said.
And nobody could tell me even a word
A minute later or so they collected all might
And attacked like a storm: - tied my hands with a rope
And they finally all - took revenge at the site.
Someone spat in my face
Vodka poured on my head
And one dancer with force
Kicked my belly by leg
The young widow at once
Knowing men need respect
(Life gives chance only once)
Cried and weeped to protect.
I lay pale on the floor with my face smashed, no name
And pretended was close for surrendering
Set me free, let me go, let’s now finish the game
They released me but fighting remembering.
After that started Hell
Can’t describe it in words
It’s enigma to me
What’s the source of my force?
At the end of the life
I, like beast deadly shot
Broke all windows and doors
And the balcony dropped.
Oh, where was I last night? I shall not find with light
Just remember nice ladies - two images.
Damaged face, ruined name - not the slightest delight
How to live? Where to go? With these damages?
If all mentioned is true
Or a fragment of that
One alternative left
Either lie or to die
I am glad that the widow
Could the nuisance forgive
Pity took on my fate
And with me wants to live.