I loved women and daring pranks.
There wasn’t a day without a new one, -
There were personal stories
About my love affairs.
And once on the way somehow
Beside the sea - that’s no joke,
I met one of the many
On my way with women.
And she was of a grand nature,
And she had - an outspoken soul,
And she had -an execellent figure, -
And in my pocket not a penny.
But for her one needs to present a ring,
Splendid wines, perfumes of the best, -
And instead of some pleasure
She did me a questionable favour.
I am, - she said, - Vasya,
Devoted to you!
I said: For hundred rubles allright, -
If more - I shall share with a friend!
Women are like purple horses:
They begin to gasp, kick over the traces!
Maybe, I didn’t understand everything,
But she left offended.
After a month has flown in excitement
After a month she returned again.
I had such a perception
That she had agreed with the offering.