A thousand graces, a thousand blessings On your slums come pouring down. God, give them a right good cleansing - In holy waters, let them drown! All the ulcers and disorders Will be healed by life-giving showers. Like the come back of feudal orders - Or draining this swamp of ours. All the vices, sins and scheming, All the apathy and dispute Will be cleansed by a dose of steaming And like bullets from your pores they’ll shoot. All your torments will soon vaporize And swiftly to the heavens will rise And you’ll be left entirely sanitized As the steam ensures their demise. Don’t rush to the shower until you’re ready; Washing won’t make you pure! Your soul must be whipped hard and steady2 And the stench must be steamed out for sure. Don’t be shy - there’s no-one here nude. Bare legs and bare arms disappear. Like in Eden’s Garden, they’re all viewed. Only the naked are permitted in here. You leave your clothes behind at the door, Then forget about being undressed. The birch twigs whip us all til our skins raw - No matter how far you puff out your chest. There’s nothing between us in here; We all learn to live with the heat. In steam, all our differences disappear - Freedom and equality find their feet. Herd old and young to the bath And bestow its baptismal rites. Let the holy water find its true path, And free us from barbaric fights! A thousand graces, a thousand blessings On your slums come pouring down. God, give them a right good cleansing - In holy waters, let them drown!
1 This is the bath-house or banya, where Russians perspire in steam, followed by a cold shower.
2 The banny venik is the bath broom made of branches of trees or bushes such as oak or birch, used to beat the skin in banyas.
© John Farndon + Olga Nakston. Translation, 2022