Like a razor, the dawn slashed across wary eyes. The gun hammers were cocked in a magical rise, The sharpshooters arrived, all according to plans, And the dragonflies rose from the festering lands, - Then the party went on, with both hands, with both hands! We lay down on our stomachs, we’re hiding our fangs. Even these among us who avoided red flags, Who could sense the trap pits with their powerful paws, Who could dodge the fast bullets by changing their course, - Even they are exhausted and crawl on all fours. Never heard that the Life smiled upon our wolf kin, We all loved it in vain, the one-lovers. Death, however, exhibits a beautiful grin And quite healthy incisors and canines. Let us smile with a wolfish half-grin at our foe: The dog withers are ours to be broken! We are leaving behind us the blood-tattooed snow That we signed: "We aren’t wolves any longer!" With our tails between legs, in the manner of dogs, We were crawling and lifting our noses in shock: Either heaven’s strict vengeance upon us is laid, Or the world’s end is near, and our minds have gone mad, But the dragonflies beat us with ease as we stand. We are blood-drenched with rain that is leaden today, We’re resigning ourselves, we cannot run away! We are melting the snow with our sweltering guts, But this slaughter was planned not by God, but by Man: Flyers died in their flight, runners died as they ran. Bunch of dogs, do not try to advance on my pack, In a melee we’re favored by fortune. We are wolves - we get well, we are always on track, You are dogs and your life must be shorten!1 Let us smile with a wolfish half-grin at our foe, Stopping every canard and newsmonger. We are leaving behind us the blood-tattooed snow That we signed: "We aren’t wolves any longer!" To the woods! At least someone I’ll save from a gun! To the woods, wolves! it’s harder to kill on the run! You must flee for your lives, take all pups further back! I am leaping in front of the men that are drunk, And I call the lost souls of my weakening pack. Those who are still alive hiding on the far shore. What can I do alone? Nothing works anymore! All my senses are dulled, and my vision is gone... Where are you, wolves, with whom in the woods I have run? Where are you, my blood kindred, my yellow-eyed clan?! ...I’m alive and today I’m surrounded by beasts, That are guests on the wolves territory; They are dogs, our primordial family and kin, They were always considered our quarry. As I smile with a wolfish half-grin at my foe I expose canine teeth cracked are rotten. We are leaving behind us the blood-tattooed snow That we signed: "We aren’t wolves any longer!"
1 In the original: "...and shall die a dog’s death!"
© Kirill Tolmachev. Translation, 2022