I was like every other street gang stray. At night, it’s vodka, singing songs in chorus. And all of us disliked Fomin Sergey For he would constantly remained so focused. We all once gathered at Seryozhka’s1 room, We always used his quarters for our meetings. It was when a beginning of the war Was brought to us by Molotov2 through speakers. At the conscription post I hear them say: "You are requested at your plant Compressor." Well, I refused this, and Fomin Sergey Was saved from army by his dad-professor. I spill my blood for you, my Motherland, Yet with resent my heart is always boiling. I spill my blood for our Fomin Sergey, And he just sits, there’s nothing to concern him! He must be watching cinema and plays, Before each show there’s footage of us, soldiers. I wish to witness how Fomin Sergey, Would fight along with us against these Germans! But finally the war came to an end, It’s like our backs have dropped a ton of burden. Today at last I meet Fomin Sergey, And he’s a Hero of the Soviet Union3.
1 A diminutive of the Russian given name Sergei.
2 Vyacheslav Molotov was the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union during the WW2.
3 The highest military award of the Soviet Union.
© Kirill Tolmachev. Translation, 2021