I don’t like things ending fatally 1 won’t tire: life can never be too long! I don’t like that there’s any time for me When I’m not singing out a joyful song. I don’t like if you’re cynical or colder But I don’t care for too much of a buzz, Or when some guy looks right over my shoulder Reading my words - well, because! I don’t like when things are left half done I can’t stand it when a chat’s ever cut short I don’t like shots in the back with handguns And a point-blank shot really is no sport! I can’t stand tittle-tattle any way And mudslinging’s a right pain in the ass! I hate it when I’m rubbed up the wrong way, Or hearing metal scratched on glass. I don’t like it when someone gets too cocky I’m hoping their brakes fail in a while. It irks me no-one now holds honour dearly And only backstabbing is in style. And when I see those sad broken wings, I feel not a jot of pity for their loss. I don’t like either violence or weakness in things. I pity only Christ upon the cross. I don’t like myself shivering with fright. I hate the battering of innocents. When they worm into my soul with spite - Or worse, when they spit in it. I don’t like the racetrack or arena shout They cheat millions from all our little pennies And no matter what big changes come about - I will never like any of these!
© John Farndon + Olga Nakston. Translation, 2022