Make for me a banya of white - I am not used to those bright lights. I値l lose myself, and lose my thoughts, The hot steam will relax my mind. You can give me a steam bath, proprietress, I値l kindle myself, and a set myself aglow, On the ledge, at the very edge, I値l wipe away my self-doubt. I値l languish in this indiscretion A scoop of cold water - and it all is behind me. And so, the tricks of the times, the cult of personality Will lift away from this lion痴 chest. - You can give me a steam bath, proprietress, I値l fire myself up, and fizzle out, On the ledge, at the very edge, I値l wipe away my self-doubt. So much faith and forests have fallen, So much misery known, and the trials, And on the left side chest there is a profile of Stalin, And too on the right - is Marinka痴 full face portrayed. Ah, and for my selfless faith How many years have I relaxed in paradise! That I exchanged for a hapless life For my ultimate ignorance. Light it up, you can give me a steam bath, proprietress, I値l fire myself up, and set myself aglow, On the ledge, at the very edge, I値l wipe away my self-doubt. I remember how early on a morning I managed to shout out to my brother: "Save me!" The two handsome prison guards and I left They took me to The Siberia within Siberia. And then to the quarry, to its bog, Swallowing tears and phlegm Close to the heart he pricked our profiles So that he can hear how the heart breaks. Make for me a banya of white - I am weary of those bright lights. I値l lose myself, and lose my thoughts, The hot steam will relax my mind. Oh, shivering from a scrupulous story, The steam has driven those thoughts from my mind. From the mists of that chilly past I値l plunge into the warm haze. My thoughts pounded so within my head, It happens - I should not be marked with it, And I beat myself with a birch bough It痴 a legacy of dark times. You can give me a steam bath, proprietor, I値l fire myself up, and fizzle out, On the ledge, at the very edge, I値l wipe away my self-doubt.
?. Translation, 2022