What is Indian culture known for? Well, let’s say - Shiva, fanged and many-armed... We also know of the artist, Raj Kapoor, and the Yogi caste, the strangest of castes. They say that once a Yogi could Take nothing by mouth for a year, and now they’re beating that record: for a whole year, they’re eating and drinking everything! And who are we? We’re no worse than many - We can also drink a lot, And numerous Yogis wander round, true, they’re very hard to recognise. A Yogi can do many things: One of them, recently, all of a sudden, lay down - The third day, they’re still lying - the shame! - Well, the Yogi’s put themselves to sleep. I know that they’re got many secrets, With a Yogi, you’d have to have a tete-a-tete, Even poison doesn’t work on a Yogi, To poison they are immune. For an hour, they won’t breathe underwater once, Not offended by any two words, If they sense that some gaffer’s coming, suddenly, They’ll say "stop", and that very moment - you’ll see a corpse! I asked a tipsy Yogi (He ate razors and nails like sausages) "Listen, friend, open up to me, upon my soul, I’ll take your secret to my grave!" The answer to my question was simple, But I argued with him into oblivion - I could reveal that very answer, But the Yogi swore me to secrecy, you see...                        
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