Got a TV! Quickly give me a lectern, for many miles I’ll be shouting my slogan: it’s not a window to everything Western, it’s like a door to the world that’s now open! All will be shown, the most thoughtful review: Agnes, Kobzo?n, and Crimea for you. Movie, part seven, good time to grab chips. I missed completely the previous six. Let’s try the first one - well, they are diving, it’s nothing special, but wait till ten: "Your Moment, Ladies!" This show is striving! And all in aprons! I’m nuts again! I’m at the screen, - I don’t need my apartment! I can inhale all the air of our planet, all the world’s sorrows - my grief is so ardent; I can see Nixon, his wife, the whole gamut. I’m flying high: here’s the head of their state. We’re eye-to-eye, head-to-head with this mate. I place my chair right next to the set for an on-air tete-a-tete with the head. And then the bakery - bread-making heroes, they show their mastery till after ten. And here’s my favorite: "Your Moment, Fellas!" They practice marksmanship - I’m nuts again! If you don’t watch it, I won’t call you unbalanced, But you’re at least godforsaken and twisted. You cannot know that they’re looking for talents, You have no clue who is really gifted! Soccer at eight: FRG vs. us. M?ller is great, I can give him a pass! Sudden cramps, pins, interviews and much more. It’s a good thing I don’t drink since the Law! There’s someone leaving to sing in Venice, and I am only a block away. Your moment, ladies! Your moment, fellas! And they are leading - I’m nuts again! How can I reason with obstinate Masha? She wants to go to the movies this weekend. Masha implies I’ve developed a passion: Idiot’s box made my mind even weaker. Yeah, an addiction, but what can I do? Look, here is Nixon and George Pompidou! I brought a jug, thinking they would approve. George drained his mug, Richard quickly refused. And then it’s showtime, it’s even better: switch to the fourth one - they won again. Your Moment Ladies along with Fellas are both awarded by the UN. After a while, in the closed country cottage, (sadly, they practice an intrusive service) in my delirium, I kept on watching, I was still fighting for Angela Davis. Whispers at night: "Don’t you cry for no one, Taiga sleeps tight, And the match has been won. Ratings are higher Than they used to be, And Magoma?yev Still sings on TV." You can’t imagine - we have two tellys, I watch both channels - till 10 PM! "Your Moment, Ladies!" "Your Moment, Fellas!" I am not worried go nuts for them!
© Kirill Tolmachev. Translation, 2025